


Practice Areas:Patent/Legal/Design
Technical Area:Chem. Materials./Electronics/Mech

Yasuo YANAGIHASHI majored in the mechanical engineering at the university. Especially he conducted a study of the internal stress of soils excavated by construction machines. After graduation of the university, he devoted himself to the research and development of the steel making facilities for around 10 years and the overseas construction of the steel making plant for around 10 years in the steel company. During those, he also had experience of residing abroad mainly in north America. 
Then, he entered the field of the intellectual properties, and experienced various cases in the intellectual properties, including not only prosecution works but also expert opinions, invalidation trials, law suits, transfer of rights or the like. He also experienced management work of the law firm at the previous workplace.
He always wishes to do his best for contributing to the clients business as a professional of the intellectual properties, with his vast experiences in the world.


Structure, Mechanical device, Optical device, Mechatronics, Control device, Electrical and Electronics, Semiconductor, Chemical Device, Material (especially, Metal)

Membership / Qualification

Japan Patent Attorneys Association
registered as Patent Attorney in 2004
    registered as Certified Litigator in 2006
Membership of AIPPI

Education / Career

- Department of Marine Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
the University of Tokyo
- Nippon Kokan (Current: JFE Engineering)
- Patent law firms (Kawawa & Partners, Tsukuni & Associates)
-Aoyama & Partners (2014-)