Practice Areas:Patent
Technical Area:Electronics/Mech/IT
Office:Osaka Office

Noburo Chikada studied mechanical engineering at Faculty of Engineering of Kyoto University. He also studied aerospace engineering at Graduate School of Engineering of Kyoto University. After receiving the master degree, he worked for Panasonic Corporation. In Panasonic Corporation, He engaged in research and development of home appliances such as digital cameras and tablet terminals. Then, he joined Aoyama & Partners. In Aoyama & Partners, he is involved in domestic and overseas prosecution in an electrical and mechanical sector. He provides prompt and reliable service as a professional patent attorney.


Mechanical, Electronics & IT, control, software

Membership / Qualification

Japan Patent Attorneys Association
registered as Patent Attorney in 2019

Education / Career

Bachelor's Degree, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Master's Degree, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Aoyama & Partners (2013 to present)